Asa and Brighid in Hamilton
Asa Berezny & Brighid Fry met in Junior Kindergarten and became best friends. After a couple of years they ended up at
different schools and eventually lost touch before re-connecting at a Junior Beekeepers class where they discovered they both had a passion for making music. At 13 years old, they have put out 3 albums between them and play together in the band Kingdom of Birds where Asa is the front woman and songwriter. Brighid has her own solo career (the Toronto Star declared her Toronto’s tween queen of rock) and both girls have played with Joel Gibb as part of The Hidden Cameras.
As inspiring young musicians who are challenging gender stereotypes about girls in music, Brighid and Asa are featured in the new Kinnie Starr produced documentary on women in music called “Play Your Gender” being featured on November 11th at 3:30pm as part of the Hamilton Film Festival. They will be following the screening with a free (pay what you can) show at This Ain’t Hollywood. Doors at 6, music from 6:30-7:30pm.
If you’re down for attending, here’s the Facebook event page https://www.facebook.com/events/1318056684905256/
Find out more about Asa and Brighid here
www.brighidfry.ca and here www.kingdomofbirds.com
Find out more about the documentary here: www.playyourgender.com and the film festival here: www.hamiltonfilmfestival.c