Music news and ideas in Hamilton, Canada

Music news and ideas in Hamilton, Canada

Are musicians our best employees? | Diana Tolmie | TEDxQUT

Brenda Brown “Now and Then” legacy video from Barber Shop Podcast
Kevin Barber created a legendary body of high-quality work in his Barber Shop Podcast Series, focusing almost exclusively on Hamilton…

Roslyn Witter Releases “This Christmas” Video

Uncle Lift Off releases “I Left the Bar”
Oh I’m ColdReasons never dieLeavin’ friends behind Hey, do you know where insert description here is?Can’t find them anywhereYa I…

Junestone Releases The Bong Song

Junestone Releases ‘About Time’ Video

New CBC Documentary Film ‘The Last Guide’ scored by Hamilton’s Ian Aisling
Frank Kuiack in The Last Guide [Editors update: Now with over a million views on CBC Docs, The Last Guide…

New Video by George Lardie: High Park Summer Song
The “High Park Summer Song” lyric video is a beautiful and nostalgic melody from George Lardie’s Wheels of Life CD.…

Junestone Releases ‘The Bong Song’ Video
The song was released on 4/20 and is 4:20 long. JAKE FRANICZEK / JUSTIN MCHUGH / IAN AISLING / OLIVIA…

Worth the Weight by Maggie Szabo

Maggie Szabo Releases the Self-Love Anthem, “Choose Me”
LOS ANGELES (Feb. 5, 2021) – Hailing from Canada but currently based in Los Angeles, electro-pop artist Maggie Szabo has…