Piano Performance Research Study
What this study is about:
Examining neurological and physiological aspects of high-level music performance.
Who can participate?
Advanced-level pianists (Grade 9 RCM+) who perform a minimum of 3 times a year.
What is involved?
Participants will perform music while fitted with non-invasive physiological measurement devices (e.g., EEG cap, Heart Rate Monitor) on a stage.
Participation will involve 2 sessions on two different days.
Potential benefits and risks?
To better understand the psychological and physiological processes underlying high-level musical performance. You will receive compensation for your time. There are no known risks to participating in this study.
For more information about, or to participate in this study, please contact:
Sarah Lade, PhD Candidate
About the LIVELab

This study has been reviewed by and received ethics clearance through the McMaster Research Ethics Board.
Principal Investigator: Dr. Laurel Trainor Department of Psychology, Neuroscience and Behaviour, McMaster University
