At Hamilton’s Juno House With Surprise Guests “Bucket List”

A photo feature with photos by Bill Watson, courtesy of Hamilton Blues Society.
A.K. McLeod of the Hammer Blues Band
Photo: Bill Watson
A.K. McLeod, Big Johnny Blue of the Hammer Blues BandPhoto: Bill Watson
Bucket List “Blues Forged In The Hammer”Photo: Bill Watson
Ed Fletcher of the Hammer Blues BandPhoto: Bill Watson
The Hammer Blues Band, with Dave Dalgleish of Bucket ListPhoto: Bill Watson
John Godek of Bucket ListPhoto: Bill Watson
Sam DeRosa aka Sweet Sammy D of the Hammer Blues BandPhoto: Bill Watson
The Hammer Blues Band will host an open jam and Bucket List will be performing a set at the Hammer Bluesfest on November 1st. Tickets are on sale now for $25 day pass.
Photographer Bill Watson is on Twitter
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