Music news and ideas in Hamilton, Canada

Music news and ideas in Hamilton, Canada

Smoke Wagon Blues Band on the Barber Shop
You need a wide-angle lens to fit these dudes in one shot. Just sayin’. “smoldering, sexy, cocksure blues…” The…
TONGUE FU Record Release – Saturday July 12th 2014
Rock N Roll is an infectious practice. At least it is for a Hamilton Ontario 6-pack called TONGUE FU. Gord…
Monster Truck Smashes Sound of Music Festival Attendance Record: June 14, 2014
Includes some pretty fine clips of the Monster Truck show. Apparently, the MT crowd was the largest ever in the…
Thoroughly Good Thorogood And A New Gem, Trampled Under Foot
All photos by Ivan Sorensen Opening Act: Trampled Under Foot
Hamilton’s The Mercy Beat: Everything From Space To Love And Hate
by Michelle Heshka After years of having a “revolving door” for its other members, two-piece indie rock band The Mercy…
Hamilton’s Bucket List Blues Band’s First Video: Crossroads
Recorded at Porcelain Records, Hamilton, ON Steve Bigas, Engineer John Staley, bass, vocals Dave Dalgleish, keyboards Ralph Lefevre, guitar Glen…
Devin Cuddy Band, Whitney Rose Opening: “Chasing The Rhythm With Pure Heart and Soul” at the Molson Canadian Studio
by Glen T Brown Cameron House Records has some pretty sweet singer-songwriters on its roster. I’m sure glad they wanted…
Photographer Ivan Sorensen Tells It Like It Is: R5 Screams Through First Ontario Place and “I Underestimated This Band. Badly.”
by Ivan Sorensen R5 swept into town on Monday night to play in front of 5,000 screaming fans at First…
Rae Billing and the Unpayables on The Barber Shop Podcast
The program was recorded at Boxo Studio on April 3, 2014. Check out “To Keep” starting at 29:25… I will…

Hamilton’s Bucket List Band Isn’t Kicking The Bucket, But Filling It
If there’s a lesson to be learned from watching the Winter Olympics it’s this: Don’t quit, and remember everything you’ve…

Blind Man with a Cigarette by Groove Corporation
“Intelligent Funk For The Dancing Masses”