Music news and ideas in Hamilton, Canada

Music news and ideas in Hamilton, Canada

Steeltown’s Steelpan Player: Drumming got him into trouble — and into Boston’s prestigious Berklee College of Music
Dejehan “Lucky” Hamilton is a local kid who won a scholarship to Berklee in Boston for steelpan playing. By Amy…

Hamilton International Guitar Festival: A Generous Vision And A High Standard

Tenille Brings Her Spark To Hamilton’s Parkdale School: Play It Forward Cross Canada Tour
[May 2013, Hamilton, ON] ONCE UPON A TIME there was a girl from the Canadian prairie named Tenille. She started…

Bruce Cockburn Donates Archives To McMaster University

Zimfira Poloz, Artistic Director of the Hamilton Children’s Choir

Rotary Burlington Music Festival’s 2012 Grand Festival Concert
Marku Wainman Photo by Marie Creswell The Rotary Burlington Music Festival wrapped up on November 24 with the Grand Festival Concert at…

A Tribute to Ken Lamanes

Mohawk Music Grads: Influence Felt Around the Hamilton Region
Mohawk Alumni magazine article Ripple Effects by Glen T Brown tells the story of Mohawk Music grads. See page 13.…

Hamilton All Star Vocal Jazz Lands Prestigious Invitational US Jazz Education Conference Gig
This news release was passed on to our readers, thanks to Chris McLaughlin, director of the ensemble: Hamilton All Star…

What? Learn An Instrument At My Age? Yes! With New Horizons Band Program
Item: New Horizons Band Program for Seniors Comes to Burlington New Horizons Band, Woodbridge Do people over 50 even…

Carolyn Credico’s CD Project With Don Thompson
Mohawk College Graduation Recital An Incredible Opportunity Carolyn Credico is a vocalist and a recent graduate of Mohawk College’s Applied…