Music news and ideas in Hamilton, Canada

Music news and ideas in Hamilton, Canada

BTS – The South Korean Boy Band ‘Blowing Up The Internet’ Is Coming To Hamilton
BTS is the first K-Pop act to win a Billboard Music Award with 300 million votes. The band is the…

New Guiding Document Maps How To Boost Local Live Music
The provincial government’s commitment to the music sector is spelt out in a 28-page document organized by six themes: local…

Jazz Vespers At The Music Hall – A Reflective Gathering For Jazz Listeners
The Music Hall at New Vision United Church Various Dates The acoustic setting of the soaring church space at Hamilton’s…

Weighing In On Live Music On Outdoor Commercial Patios

Every City Has its Issues With Gentrification
We have lessons to learn in Hamilton. Now’s a good time to pay attention. This piece “Crisis of Gentrification…” is…

Tim Potocic And Lou Molinaro Comment On The Live Music Strategy Background
Notes from the open house information session held at the Hamilton Public Library on Wednesday August 21, 7 pm. A…

Bars We Used To Work In “Back In The Day”
Old Place, Big Musical History? Hamilton’s Carlton Tavern Do you remember the Club Continental at Gage and Gertrude? How about…

Your Talent Is Useless Without These 17 Promotional Tools And Business Skills
By John Balogh, Big Time Productions [Editor’s note: This article was published in January 2013. The writer J. Balogh…

Ancaster’s Coach And Lantern: A Perfect Venue For Great Music
The Coach and Lantern Last month’s Blues Studio show at the upstairs Coach and Lantern was sold out. Co-owner…

Four Smart Tactics From A Veteran Musician
What could possibly bring a seventyish year old guitarist back on stage ready to wail on his axe? With so…

I’m a Musician, Not An Event Promoter
by Dave Goldberg, jazz musician in Los Angeles, CA AS I’VE BEEN LOOKING FOR GIGS LATELY, I’ve never seen so…