Music news and ideas in Hamilton, Canada

Music news and ideas in Hamilton, Canada

Review of Paul Sanderson’s Music Law Handbook For Canada: 10 Essential Legal Articles
Music Law Handbook For Canada: 10 Essential Legal Articles. Paul Sanderson, Barrister & Solicitor. Toronto: Seraphim Editions, 2014. 62 pages.…
Russ McAllister Reviews Blues With A Feeling Show
Dear reader, this is the kind of cameraderie that makes Hamilton special for music and musicians. Used with permission. ~GB…
Thoroughly Good Thorogood And A New Gem, Trampled Under Foot
All photos by Ivan Sorensen Opening Act: Trampled Under Foot
Hamilton’s The Mercy Beat: Everything From Space To Love And Hate
by Michelle Heshka After years of having a “revolving door” for its other members, two-piece indie rock band The Mercy…
Devin Cuddy Band, Whitney Rose Opening: “Chasing The Rhythm With Pure Heart and Soul” at the Molson Canadian Studio
by Glen T Brown Cameron House Records has some pretty sweet singer-songwriters on its roster. I’m sure glad they wanted…
Dred Rocks The Casbah
by Michelle Heshka This week, we had the chance to sit down with Jonah Istifan, the bassist of the local…
Dundas Folklore Centre Hosts a Spectacular Show for Hamilton Area Bluegrass Lovers
Spectacular “Spring Fling” Event Featured Winterline & Rhyme’n’Reason Writing and photography by Michelle Heshka The Dundas Folklore Centre hosted their…