

Music. Compost. Life.

Special Guest Post: YouTube and Social Media Tips

Canadian Music Publishers Association 2017 Music Tech Summit Ontario Investment & Trade Centre, Toronto, Ontario Wednesday January 11, 2017 Contributed by Dre Pao The Canadian Music Publishers Association (CMPA) is a membership-based organization that represents Canadian music publishers and aims…

Special Guest Post: With Sympathetic Strings Attached

By Shiona Mackenzie Born in India and today a proud Hamiltonian, sitar virtuoso Neeraj Prem has always been interested in experimenting with music of various kinds and in collaborating with musicians from around the world. “Although my training is in…

How The Music Industry Pulls Together To Raise Hamilton

This Spectator op-ed article by Madeline Wilson and published on November 10, 2016 hits some pretty resounding chords and beautiful melody notes! The melody is that of a beautiful city slowly but surely waking up to seeing itself and accepting…

You Don’t Owe Me A Choir

Nova Scotia teachers are now entering their second week of work-to-rule. This is the first job action undertaken by Nova Scotia teachers in 125 years. Already, parents are piling on the abuse, implying that all of the after school extras,…