Music news and ideas in Hamilton, Canada
Music news and ideas in Hamilton, Canada
Bjorn Anderson, Prakash John Solo Moment at Coach and Lantern’s Blues Studio
This clip was recorded on July 30, 2013 upstairs at The Coach and Lantern. An intimate venue for some “freakin’ awesome” blues! Special guests each month bring the best of the blues to our doorstep. For more information on The…
Candid Photography: Hamilton Musicians Captured In Performance by Alex Zafer
Candid photography: Musicians captured in performance part one from ZAFER on Vimeo. Collection created in 2012 by Alex Zafer
Dignity Memorial – Alex MacDougall Obituary
Alex MacDougall Click to read the obituary notice here. Guest Book for Alex MacDougall – Online Guest Book by Dignity Memorial and
Philosofear: Look Under “Heavy, Aggressive, Fast, Complicated” Metal.
For months now, all we’ve been able to get at is a sound sample of the band’s tune Sacrifice. But now, with the help of Jason Romolo’s direction and editing, and camera operators: Kevin Hall, Kenny Wong and Romolo,…
Jordan John Serves Up A Launch Party Feast Of Blues, Funk, and Soul At Knollwood
Steeltown’s Steelpan Player: Drumming got him into trouble — and into Boston’s prestigious Berklee College of Music
Dejehan “Lucky” Hamilton is a local kid who won a scholarship to Berklee in Boston for steelpan playing. By Amy Kenny ————- Photo: Cathy Coward, Hamilton Spectator As a kid, drumming got him into trouble. Wherever he was — at…