Music news and ideas in Hamilton, Canada

Music news and ideas in Hamilton, Canada

Ariana Fig Releases “Punchline”

Diana Panton to release tenth album “blue” October 28th

Uncle Lift Off releases “I Left the Bar”
Oh I’m ColdReasons never dieLeavin’ friends behind Hey, do you know where insert description here is?Can’t find them anywhereYa I…

Jesse Adams Releases The Darkest Hour
“Jesse Adams at the age of 23 has well over thirty songs waiting to be produced. She jokes that her…

Junestone Releases The Bong Song

Ariana Fig to Release “Maroon” Single March 25
Maroon is a subliminally honest song. It tells the story of being in this constant state of over-exerting oneself; giving…

Maggie Szabo to Release Rebuild EP July 30th
[July 21 2021] Hailing from Hamilton Canada and currently based in Los Angeles, Maggie Szabo has been extremely busy releasing…

Jade Hilton Set to Release “Evelyn”
July 9, 2021 (TORONTO, ON) – Toronto based indie-pop singer/songwriter Jade Hilton is set to release her second single of…

Junestone Releases ‘The Bong Song’ Video
The song was released on 4/20 and is 4:20 long. JAKE FRANICZEK / JUSTIN MCHUGH / IAN AISLING / OLIVIA…

Connor Bowie releases ‘Cold War’
Released on Friday February 26 2021, Cold War is currently on all streaming services and is the first single off…

Ariana Fig Releases ‘Ocean’
[Hamilton, ON] Today marks the release of Ocean, a new single from Ariana Fig on her own label FigTree Music.…